Crow Repeatedly Sleds Down a Roof on a Plastic LidKimber StreamsDecember 13, 2013 A crow enjoys the winter snow by sledding down a roof on a plastic lid. It’s having such a great time it picks up the lid, flies back to the top, and goes for a couple more rides. Related Posts Kimber Streams Recent Posts Chickens Help Carve a Pumpkin Into a Jack O’Lantern A Cleverly Designed Cat Ladder That Lets a Cat Climb the Garden Wall to a Higher Floor Why Some Animals Can Regrow Their Limbs But Humans Cannot The Empire State Building Pays Tribute to James Earl Jones With a Darth Vader Light Show James Earl Jones Reads ‘The Raven’ by Edgar Alan Poe in His Beautiful Baritone Voice Musician Plays Songs by The Beatles on Standup Bass While Standing in the Middle of Abbey Road Managed WordPress at Laughing Squid Hosting host your website with Laughing Squid