Channel 4 Recreates The Shining, Promoting Stanley Kubrick Season
Guest post by Aaron Muszalski
The UK’s Channel 4 recently staged an elaborate behind-the-scenes recreation of Stanley Kubrick’s famous 1980 horror film “The Shining.”
Channel 4 has painstakingly recreated the set of Stanley Kubrick horror film The Shining, complete with look-a-likes of the crew and cast members including Shelley Duvall, for a TV ad to promote a More 4 season of the director’s films. The 65-second promotional spot has been filmed as a one-take tracking shot through the recreation of The Shining set.
In addition to recreating both interior and exterior sets, look-alikes were found for some of the film’s actors, including Shelley Duvall and Danny Lloyd, as well as for many of the members of Kubrick’s crew.
Channel 4 Creative Services, the broadcaster’s in-house creative resource, cast people who resembled Kubrick’s own crew including his script lady, assistant director and director of production, John Alcott, who also worked on films including 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange with the director.
The music used in the spot is “Natureland” by Amon Tobin, from his 2000 album “Supermodified”.
Guardian article on The Shining recreation for Channel 4 (includes video)