Flying Pizza Kitty, 8-Bit Animated Gifs by Ben Ross
Flying Pizza Kitty, a blog featuring 8-bit animated gifs by Ben Ross.
Random People in San Francisco Counting Out Pi To 57 Digits
Nick Douglas made a video asking random people on the streets of San Franicsco to help him count out pi out to 57 digits (with…
The Untold Story of How The Internet Was Created
The future meets the past in a meme explosion as Those Aren’t Muskets present “The Insane True Story Behind the Birth of the Internet”. See…
Laughing Squid Lucky 13 Light Painting Photos by Julian Cash
During our Laughing Squid Lucky 13 event back in May, Julian Cash set up a studio in the loft and created beautiful light painting photos…
The Fourth Annual Deitch Art Parade
Deitch Projects, Creative Time and Paper Magazine present the fourth annual Art Parade, featuring over 900 participants and 90 art installations, takes place this Saturday,…
Coney Island Beard & Moustache Competition
Donny Vomit in association Coney Island USA present the first annual Coney Island Beard & Moustache Competition taking place on Saturday, September 6th at Sideshows…
I Made U A Man But They Burnd It
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #929 by Adam Koford See Previously: Laughing Squid Lucky 13 Poster by Adam Koford illustration by Adam Koford
Assemblage #1 by Micronaut, Music Set To Industrial Video
Chris Randall created a new sound track for “Just Imagine”, a stop-motion industrial film that he found in the Prelinger Archives that shows a 1940’s…
Live Painting of The Secret Room by Hugh D’Andrade
San Francisco artist and EFF designer Hugh D’Andrade was recently invited to do a live painting of a mural at the Mission Cultural Center. The…
PleaseDressMe, A T-Shirt Search Engine
PleaseDressMe is a new t-shirt search engine where you can find t-shirts based on tags, color & price. The service was launched by AJ Vaynerchuk,…