I just took all of these pills and now my phone has a cord. Please help!
“I just took all of these pills and now my phone has a cord. Please help!” photo by Scott Beale
When Will Young People Start To Forget Things?
This insightful xkcd chart shows the years that young people in the US will start forgetting things. 'Baby Got Back' turned 20 this year. My…
What Fonts Might Sound Like If They Had Voices
Jonathan Garcia of The Minute Vlog images what the voices of fonts might sound like. via Tastefully Offensive
Hush, A Silent Disco by Gawker Media at the New York Public Library
Last night I went to Hush, a silent disco hosted by Gawker Media at the New York Public Library. Attendees were given wireless headphones and…
Photos: Détournement: Signs of the Times at Jonathan LeVine Gallery
Here are my photos from last night’s opening of Détournement: Signs of the Times, a sign-themed group art show curated by Carlo McCormick at Jonathan…
Taxi Snapshot, An iPhone App For Shooting & Sharing Anonymous Photos While Riding in New York City Cabs
Taxi Snapshot is a fun new app that has just been released by Reddyset that lets you shoot and view anonymous photos from inside of…
Cat Makes Daring Last Minute Escape From Dog by Surfing Across Pool
While being chased by a dog, this awesome cat made a daring last minute escape by riding a surfboard across a pool. via ITmedia &…
HTTPSTER T-Shirt by Kneadle, available in forest, orange and asphalt grey. The hypertext-transfer-protocol antithetic hipster shirt for nerds, geeks and unicorns. via swissmiss & this…
Chicks with Hits, Music Mix Featuring 1980s & 1990s Female Musicians
Winslow Porter and Johnny Cocco of Candy Hands recently released Chicks with Hits, an awesome 3 part music mix dedicated to female musicians from the…
Hell Broke Luce by Tom Waits
Matt Mahurin directed the fantastic music video for “Hell Broke Luce” by Tom Waits, from his album Bad As Me.