A Series of Impressive Tricks Performed by Pet Rats
Abby Roeser shows off some of the impressive tricks she’s trained her pet rats Blue, Puffin and Pepper to do using clicker training and treats…
Free Couch!!!
If you liked “Free Couch!!!”, you might also enjoy “Lock the Taskbar”. via reddit
Strong Cyclist Lifts a Tiny Car Out of the Bike Lane
Joe Loreto uploaded a video of a super strong cyclist who encountered a small car blocking the bike lane and then proceeded to lift the…
A Yaskawa Motoman SDA10 Dual Arm Industrial Robot Cooking an Egg Sandwich
‘Walking My Cat Named Dog’ by They Might Be Giants, A Cover of the 1966 Song by Norma Tanega
“Walking My Cat Named Dog” by They Might Be Giants, the new music video (animated by Mixtape Club) for week 30 of their Dial-A-Song Direct…
‘Shopping’, An Intriguing Short Film About a Woman Shopping at a Costco
“Shopping” is an intriguing short film by Andrew DeYoung about a woman (Kate Berlant) shopping at a Costco. DeYoung and Berlant co-wrote the film, which…
How to Make Your Drinks Glow in the Dark Using LEDs
Dave Hax demonstrates a simple trick showing how to make your drinks glow in the dark using LEDs.
Charlie Pellett, The Voice Behind New York City Subway Announcements
David Watson directed a really great New Yorker profile of Bloomberg Radio news anchor Charlie Pellett, the voice behind New York City Subway announcements. Anyone…
How To Properly Use Apostrophes in Writing
Laura McClure explains how to properly use apostrophes in writing in a new TED-Ed animated lesson. It’s possessive. It’s often followed by S’s. And it’s…
Incredible Vertical Takeoff of a MiG-29 Fighter Jet
TheChangeInTime and TopFelya shot incredible video of a Polish Air Force Mikoyan MiG-29 “Fulcrum” fighter jet taking off down a runway then going straight up…