A Recap of ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 5
What If ‘Game of Thrones’ Took Place in Silicon Valley With Tech Companies Battling Each Other
Vanity Fair imagines what it would be like if Game of Thrones took place in Silicon Valley with tech companies battling each other for superiority.
A Look at Some of the Worst Video Game Glitches
Screen Rant highlights their top ten worst video game glitches. Who says a video game has to actually work to be unforgettable? No matter how…
A Look at Movies That Have Featured Mars
In honor of the release of The Martian, Burger Fiction takes a look at movies that have featured Mars.
A Brief History of Easter Eggs in Android Releases
Google behind-the-scenes series Nat and Lo takes a look at the history of easter eggs in Android releases. Previously they explored the tradition of Android…
‘Break On Through (To the Other Side)’ by The Doors Performed on Vintage Electronic Equipment
bd594 created a wonderful cover of “Break On Through (To the Other Side)” by The Doors using vintage electronic equipment and a Stephen Hawking like…
‘Moles, Hounds, Bears, Bees and Hares’ by They Might Be Giants
They Might Be Giants has released “Moles, Hounds, Bears, Bees and Hares”, the new animated music video co-directed by David Cowles and Jeremy Galante and…
‘Charisma’, Episode #4 of the 1950s Style Animated Educational Video Series for ‘Fallout 4’ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attributes
To prepare players for the upcoming release of the video game Fallout 4 on November 10, 2105, Bethesda has released “Charisma”, the fourth video from…
A Nauseating Compilation of All the Burps in the First Two Seasons of ‘Rick And Morty’
Digg senior editor Bryan Menegus edited together a nauseating compilation of all the burps in the first two seasons of ‘Rick And Morty’.
Explaining the Weirdness of Super Mario Bros.
Jamin Warren of Kill Screen attempts to explain the weirdness found in Super Mario Bros. video games on the latest episode of PBS Game The…