‘Construct’, A Science Fiction Short Film Featuring Suspicious Robotic Construction Workers
“Construct” is a science fiction short film from filmmaker Kevin Margo featuring some suspicious robotic construction workers. The film, which is currently still a work…
Cloud To Butt, A Google Chrome Web Browser Extension That Replaces ‘The Cloud’ With ‘My Butt’
Cloud To Butt is a Google Chrome web browser extension originally created by technology enthusiast Steven Frank that replaces instances of the phrase “the cloud”…
Gofor, A Fascinating Concept For a Drones On-Demand Service
Gofor is a fascinating drones on-demand service concept by designer Alex Cornell and actor Phil Mills. The concept posits a world where users can rent…
Dropbox Announces a Photo Gallery Service, Dropbox for Business Integration, and Mailbox Improvements
File-sharing service Dropbox today dropped a series of announcements at an event in San Francisco, California about the future of the company, including the reveal…
An Entrancing Video of a Beatboxing Man Juggling Seven Balls Filmed by a GoPro Camera
Beatbox juggler Bronkar Lee is filmed by a GoPro Hero3+ camera performing a tune while juggling seven balls on the Venice Beach boardwalk in California.
The Reason for the Earth’s Seasons as Explained From Space
The reason for the Earth’s seasons is succinctly explained using space imagery in this 2011 video from NASA Earth Observatory. As the year goes on,…
The Expectations Versus the Reality of What Life is Like in New York City
BuzzFeedYellow breaks down the expectations versus the reality of what life in New York City is like in this amusing video. For example, people often…
Season 3 of ‘TableTop’, A Video Series About Playing Tabletop Games by Geek & Sundry
TableTop, a video series by Geek & Sundry about tabletop games and hosted by Wil Wheaton with celebrity guests, is currently raising funds for a…
Sesame Go, A New Video Subscription Service for Streaming ‘Sesame Street’
Sesame Go is a new video subscription service from the non-profit educational organization Sesame Workshop. The service provides a child-safe and ad-free alternative to other…
Social Media Eulogy Marking the Death of Internet Explorer 6
In addition to the ending of support for the Windows XP operating system, today also marks the end of patches and security updates for Microsoft’s…