Testing Whether People Function Better Drunk or Stoned
In order to test whether people are more functional under the influence of alcohol or marijuana, BuzzFeed video producer Andrew Gauthier gets separately high and…
Peter Pan the Lamb Happily Wiggles His Tail When Pet or Fed
Peter Pan the lamb wiggles his tail happily when he’s pet, tickled, and fed by a caregiver in this video by Edgar’s Mission. You can…
How to Open a Bottle of Champagne With a Saber
Master of Wine Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan demonstrates how to open a bottle of champagne using a saber and explains the history of the practice in this…
Polybius, A Song Played on Old Hard Drives and Video Game Consoles
Musician Julian Corrie has created “Polybius,” a song played using the sounds of old floppy disk drives, hard drives, a SEGA Mega Drive, and a…
Nerd Vandals Vandalize a Car With a Math Equation
Two nerds named Eric and Winston vandalize a car by turning “4 x 4” into “4 x 4 = 16” with a permanent marker and…
The Solar System: Our Home in Space, An Informative Animation About Our Sun and Its Surrounding Planets
Designer Philipp Dettmer has created “The Solar System: Our Home in Space,” a seven-minute animation that imparts facts about each planet and the Sun. The…
Testing Video Game Demos in the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset
Will Smith and Norman Chan of Tested try out a number of different in-progress game demos for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset like Half-Life…
Mudd the Bulldog Jumps, Flips, and Rolls Around on a Trampoline
Mudd the bulldog has a great time jumping, rolling, and flipping around on a trampoline in this fun 2012 video. video via stormy050607 via Dog…
Haunted House, An Interactive Art Exhibit For Kids at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo
“Haunted House” is an interactive exhibit for kids created by Torafu Architects that features famous paintings with moving eyes or other seemingly-haunted features. Kids can…
How to Make Self-Inflating Balloons and Pull Other Pranks Using Dry Ice
Grant Thompson of The King of Random shares five different pranks you can pull using dry ice — like challenging your friends to light a…