Bad Cars, Short Film About the Difficulties of Dating in Los Angeles With a Shitty Vehicle
“Bad Cars” is a short film by actor and writer Anthony Deptula of the Madataoms comedy collective about the difficulties of dating in Los Angeles,…
Futuristic Mashup Illustration of Boba Fett and Grumpy Cat
Columbus, Ohio-based freelance illustrator Zach T. Jordan (aka “HeroforPain“) created a futuristic mashup illustration of the Star Wars bounty hunter Boba Fett and his furry…
Cute & Clever Minimalist Illustrations of Food, Objects & Animals
“Chili” Food, Object or Animal by Cape Town, South Africa-based freelance artist Jaco Haasbroek is a series of cute and clever minimalist illustrations of food,…
When Sharks Fly, A Series of Illustrations & Stories by Derek Chatwood
“When Sharks Fly” Seattle-based video game designer and artist Derek Chatwood (aka “PopRelics“) has created When Sharks Fly, an imaginative series of illustrations and stories…
LEGO Building Brick Slippers
ThinkGeek has released red and blue LEGO-themed Building Brick Slippers that will make it so you step into bricks rather than than onto them. The…
Green Apple Zombie Booger Candy
The green apple flavored Zombie Booger Candy will make any future zombie apocalypses a little more sweet, tasty and gross. They are available to purchase…
Nine Minute Recap of Everything That Has Happened on ‘Breaking Bad’
Joe Sabia and Paul Gulyas of The Betting Bad Game have created a nine minute video recapping everything that has happened on AMC’s Breaking Bad…
Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote Controls
Eleventh Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote Control The Tenth and Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote Controls are based on the BBC’s hit sci-fi television…