Justin Page

Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.
Building Brick Slippers

LEGO Building Brick Slippers

ThinkGeek has released red and blue LEGO-themed Building Brick Slippers that will make it so you step into bricks rather than than onto them. The…

Zombie Booger Candy

Green Apple Zombie Booger Candy

The green apple flavored Zombie Booger Candy will make any future zombie apocalypses a little more sweet, tasty and gross. They are available to purchase…

How to be Manly by Pleated-Jeans

Los Angeles-based comedy blogger Jeff Wysaski of Pleated-Jeans demonstrates “How to be Manly” in his funny new video. He covers everything from literally growing a…