Engineers Developing a Retainer That Could Let the Hearing Impaired Experience Sound With Their Tongue
Researchers at Colorado State University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering are developing a retainer that could circumvent the need for cochlear implants, instead helping people with…
A Xylophone Player Demonstrates Remarkable Speed While Playing Along With a Band in the Recording Studio
How to Quickly Cut a Plate of Glass Into Smaller Pieces
Two men make quick work of a plate of glass, cutting it into smaller pieces with a glass cutter and a swift shake. The cutter…
‘Hearing Tarantino’, A Supercut Highlighting the Use of Sound in Quentin Tarantino’s Films
“Hearing Tarantino” is a supercut created by editor Jacob T. Swinney that highlights the key use of sounds in the films of Quentin Tarantino, from…
An Exploration Into Whether a Real-World Equivalent to Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense Exists
In a recent episode of Science Friction, host Rusty Ward attempts to find a real-world analog to the Spider-Sense that serves as an early warning…
The Rocker, A Guitar Effects Unit That Makes a Cool Sound by Quickly Switching Between Live Playing and Delay
The Rocker is a neat little handmade guitar effects unit created by musician Jeremy Bell that makes a fascinating sound when combined with guitar playing…
‘Cheval Nois’, The Second of a Two-Part Animated Music Video Epic by Electronic Group Equateur
“Cheval Nois” is the second music video in a two-part fantasy adventure animated by French graphic designer Kadavre Exquis for the Parisian electronic group Equateur.…
How to Create a Hard-Boiled Scrambled ‘Golden’ Egg Using a Pair of Nylon Stockings
Instructables member ATTILAtheHUNgry has a created a detailed breakdown outlining how to create a “Golden Egg”, an egg that has essentially been scrambled before being…
Forekast, A Crowdsourced Calendar That Aggregates Television, Online, and Real-World Events
Forekast is a crowdsourced online calendar that aggregates global events across a number of different formats, including online activities like reddit AMAs, television broadcasts, and…
Perpetual Pizza, A Single-Serving Site Featuring an Infinitely Zooming Animated Image of a Pizza
Perpetual Pizza is a single-serving site that features an animated image of a pizza created by production house Sheepfilms (with a logo by Octo Design)…