Miniature Champagne Cork Cage Chairs
Hosanna Houser over at The Crafts Dept. at has crafted adorable Champagne Chairs in the style of miniature ice cream parlor chairs simply by…

Clay Shirky’s TED Talk on Why SOPA & PIPA Are a Bad Idea
Internet writer and professor Clay Shirky recently presented Defend Our Freedom To Share or Why SOPA is a Bad Idea, a fascinating 12-minute TED Talk…

L.L. Bean Bootmobile, A Maine Hunting Shoe Vehicle Created to Celebrate Company’s 100 Year Anniversary
Maine-based clothing and outdoor equipment retailer L.L. Bean is celebrating 100 years in business with a unique 16-foot-tall vehicle, the L.L. Bean Bootmobile. The vehicle…
A Tribute to Artists In The Form of Decorated Sandwiches
Brittany Powell over at Low-Commitment Projects has recently created Sandwich Artist, a fun food-based (and almost all open-faced) tribute to artists like Piet Mondrian, Jasper…
Cubebots, Posable Wooden Robots
These super-cute Cubebots are sweet posable robots made from sustainable cherry wood. They were designed by David Weeks Studio for Areaware and are available for…
Apple in Education Launches Three New Digital Educational Tools
Apple has unveiled three new tools to compete in the digital educational realm through their Apple in Education program: iBooks 2, iBooks Author, and iTunes…

Dog Dreams, A Board Book of Letterpress Images
Artist Michael Wertz of Oakland, California has illustrated and authored Dog Dreams, a beautiful board book of letterpress images for kids and adults. The book…
Mermaid’s Purse Breakfast
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories have cooked up A Mermaid’s Purse, for Breakfast, a breakfast crepe (either filled or unfilled) in the shape of a mermaid’s…
#FactsWithoutWikipedia, Twitter Users Create Their Own “Facts” Without the Use of Wikipedia
With the English language version of Wikipedia blacked out to protest of SOPA and PIPA today, Twitter users have begun creating their own humorous “facts”…
Mad Men Promotes Fifth Season With Minimalistic Teaser Poster
AMC’s hit television show, Mad Men, is promoting their upcoming fifth season with this minimalistic one-sheet teaser poster. The show returns on March 25, 2012…