At Home Mushroom Growing Kit Produces Pearl Oyster Mushrooms
The At Home Mushroom Growing Kit grows approximately 1 1/2 lbs of pearl oyster mushrooms straight of a recyclable box using soil made of “100% recycled coffee grounds”.
This kit has everything you need to grow delicious oyster mushrooms in your home. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, this process is pretty much idiot-proof. Open the box. Place the box on a window sill where it’ll get some sun. Use the mister bottle to spray water on the soil twice a day. In about 10 days, you’ll have a crop of mushrooms ready to harvest! Each box will yield at least two crops of mushrooms, but some folks have been lucky enough to get as many as four!
The founders of the mushroom growing kit, Alex Velez and Nikhil Arora of California-based Back to the Roots, spoke at a TEDx talk recently about how they ditched going into the corporate world after college graduation and became green entrepreneurs.
via ThinkGeek