A Pocket-Sized Breathalyzer That Plugs Into a Smartphone to Display Blood Alcohol Content


The DrinkMate Breathalyzer, created by Shaun Masavage and Mack Redding of Edge Tech Labs, is a handy pocket-sized breathalyzer that helps you drink responsibly. All that you have to do is plug the device it into a smartphone to display your blood alcohol content (BAC) after you breathe into it.

DrinkMate makes it simple to make smart decisions while you drink. Not even two-inches long, this tiny yet robust breathalyzer slips into your pocket or hooks onto your key ring so you can easily pull it out when duty calls. Just blow into the end and a few seconds later the app on your smartphone will reveal your approximate blood alcohol content—so you never call an ex, send the wrong email to your boss, or worse, ever again.





Justin Page
Justin Page

I'm a geeky artist/blogger who loves his life, wife, two identical twin girls, family, friends, and job.