Circus Redickuless Celebrates Dammit’s 18th Birthday

Chicken John's Warehouse

This Friday, January 18th Chicken John is organizing a special Circus Redickuless reunion show at 12 Galaxies in San Francisco in celebration of Dammit The Amazing Wonderdog’s 18th birthday.

Dammit the Amazing Wonderdog will turn (gulp) 18 years old. She had a sort of stroke in August of 2006, and is doing OK. We think she is blind in one eye, deaf in one ear and she is a little off balance. But in good spirits and happy and romping and doing all the dog things. We want to throw her a party. So for what will likely be the last time, The Circus Redickuless will take the stage at 12 Galaxies. That’s right, a bunch of the old circus folk are going to do some of the old acts. A few other people will pinch hit for others who are not around. This will likely be your only opportunity to see all the acts that you have heard about but thought too stupid to ever actually see. The idea of the circus was no content as the content. It’s a little confusing but we are carneys, after all. The show will be Dammit’s final performance and don’t expect too much. We started a circus 13 years ago. Who would have known?

See Previously: Circus Redickuless Reunion Show in Honor of Dammit

photo by Scott Beale
Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.