American Artifact, a Documentary on the Rise of American Rock Poster Art
Merle Becker interviewed rock poster artists around the country who are part of the rising “rock poster art movement” for his new documentary “American Artifact, The Rise of American Rock Poster Art”. The film features interviews with such renowned artists as Chuck Sperry and Ron Donovan of Firehouse, Stanley Mouse, Victor Moscoso, Frank Kozik, Art Chantry, EMEK, Tara McPherson, Derek Hess, Coop, Jay Ryan, and more, as well as fans, collectors, and musicians.
Our friend Winston Smith also appears in the film and is credited (via Frank Kozik & others) in helping to define a generation’s graphic style with his iconic illustrations for The Dead Kennedys and others. Smith notoriously used the streets as his gallery displaying flyers for bands (real or imagined).
The film will be having its world premier this Saturday, June 20th (5pm & 7pm) at the Red Vic Movie House in San Francisco.