Cool Animated GIFs Made From Threadless T-Shirt Designs For ThreadGIF Challenge
Alfred’s Day Off by Glenn Jones / Animated by Sem Brys
Artist Nathan W. Pyle created the Threadless contest called ThreadGIF to challenge and reward community members for taking an existing Threadless print design and make an animated GIF image from it. Threadless staff embraced the contest idea and made Nathan’s prize of one free shirt even sweeter by throwing in a free gift card to their online store.
Congratulations goes out to Sem Brys (aka Mantichore) for creating the winning animation for round 1. Round 2 of ThreadGIF is now in effect and the winner will be announced Wednesday August 1, 2012! Take a look at more of the animated GIFs entries created for the contest at Threadless.
Khaki Kickflip by Nick Kohler / Animated by Sem Brys
Zombie Food by Ben Chen / Animated by Sem Brys
Murder by Mike Mitchell / Animated by shekovw
AAUGH! created and animated by Nathan W. Pyle