Get The Hell Off Of My Blog, The Downside of Keyword Advertising
The sneaky bastards from "Yes on 8" are buying "No on 8" AdWords on Laughing Squid. I’ve added them to our ad filter and I’m taking it a step further by temporarily removing Google AdSense from Laughing Squid until after the election.
And yes I know this is how AdWords works, regardless get the hell off of my blog.
Speaking of Prop 8, check out "The Great Hack" geek challenge by Heather Gold.
California Proposition 8 eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry. For more on this issue, see the No On 8 website and follow @NoOnProp8 on Twitter.
More Coverage:
UPDATE 1: It looks like Google has noticed the concern over these ads, on their AdSense blog they just did a post on how to block and review ads.
UPDATE 2: Google kind of responds to the “Yes on 8” ad controversy on their AdSense blog.