Month April 2013

NECA’s Replica of the Gravity Gun From ‘Half-Life 2’ Video Game to be Released in June
The National Entertainment Collectibles Association (NECA) has revealed a final photo of its Half-Life Gravity Gun prop replica. The scale replica, which was first announced…

Bottom Feeders, Ceramic Cups and Pitchers Covered in Barnacles, Tentacles, and Other Sea Life
Ceramic artist Mary O’Malley has created “Bottom Feeders,” a collection of detailed ceramic pieces — teapots, cups, saucers, and the like — adorned with tentacles,…

Ingenious Multi-Function Room With Integrated Slide at South Korea’s ‘Panorama House’
The Panorama House, a 2,250-square-foot private home in South Korea, has an ingenious multi-function room with tiered seating, built-in bookshelves, and an integrated slide. The…

Kim Komando, The Komputer Tutor For Komputer Kindergarten (1990s)
“It’s not tough to use a computer!” Everything is Terrible recently featured a video of chopped up VHS footage taken from an early 1990s educational…

Stoopid Tall, A 14-Foot-Tall Bicycle
Los Angeles-based cinematographer and bike fiend Richie Trimble unveiled Stoopid Tall, a freakishly tall bike, at last Sunday’s CicLAvia open street event in Los Angeles.…

Pop Culture Characters Painted on McDonald’s French Fry Packages
“Cowabunga” Australian artist Ben Frost has created a series of acrylic paintings on McDonald’s fries packages depicting pop culture characters. A few of his french…

Miniature ‘Star Wars’ Lightsaber Keychains Made of Chainmail
Links to the Past has created handmade chainmail keychains that look like miniature lightsabers from Star Wars. The tiny lightsabers come in red, green, blue,…

Fully Appointed Pirate Ship ‘Gypsy Rose’ For Sale
Should you be in the market for an awesome pirate ship, one of Capt. Tim’s custom-built and fully appointed Gypsy Rose ships has recently been…

How To Train Your Drogon, Mashup Movie Poster Reimagines ‘Game of Thrones’ as an Animated Film
“How To Train Your Drogon” is a mashup movie poster created by New Zealand artist Toni Gordon that reimagines Game of Thrones as an animated…

Inside: Dr. Strangelove, A Making-Of Documentary
Inside: ‘Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb’ is a making-of documentary directed by David Naylor about Stanley…