The Juice Box Nature of Naoto Fukasawa

Banana Juicebox Design

This Japanese designer enables juice boxes to express their nature…

Japanese industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa has created a series of creative fruit juice packages that have the look and feel of the fruit they contain.

Naoto Fukasawa worked for design firm IDEO for many years and headed their Japanese office. Since he left he has designed furniture, a CD player for Japanese waste-not minimalists MUJI, and had published a book of his work.

Kiwi Juicebox Design

Strawberry Juicebox Design

His design approach is influenced by an Eastern philosophy called hari (which involves concepts of “tension” and being “well balanced”). In a 2007 interview Fukasawa says:

In product design, hari is about finding the most suitable shape to express an object, or rather for the object to express itself.

More on hari and Fukasawa’s thoughts on design in this September 2008 interview.

Naoto Fukasawa book at Amazon



Actor, nerd, poet, producer, writer mikl-em made his name short so you wouldn't have to. In addition to his blog you can find his writing in "Hi Fructose" magazine and witness him almost life-sized in various plays at The Dark Room Theater in SF's Mission district.

He tends to write about theater, humor, San Francisco culture and history, and stuff that's just plain weird. He thanks Scott for sharing the keys to the Laughing Squid virtual HQ and promises to uphold whatever it is that the mirthful cephalopod would prefer to be uplifted.