Twitterfeed for Laughing Squid, The Squid List &


I’ve recently started using the excellent service Twitterfeed to send my feeds to Twitter. Now posts on Laughing Squid will show up on Laughing Squid’s Twitter stream. I have also setup Twitter accounts for The Squid List and, both of which will also receive blog updates via Twitterfeed.

Twitterfeed was created by Mario Menti and the latest info can be found on the Twitterfeed blog. Speaking of Twitterfeed, Jeff Sandquist figured out a way to use it to post his Facebook status to Twitter and EJ Fox uses Twitterfeed to post his mobile Flickr updates to Twitter. On a related note, the Twitter application for Facebook now has an option to update your Facebook status with your Twitter posts which I am now doing.

UPDATE: I’ve also set this up for our Quick Links link blog.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale is the founder of Laughing Squid and is based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Threads and sharing photos on Instagram.