Too Beautiful To Be True Masks Contort Face To Beauty Ideals
German designer Meike Harde has created Too Beautiful To Be True, a series of masks that contort the face to ideals of beauty. The masks cover either the eyes or mouth and were part of Fine Arts, an art exhibit in Saarbrücken, Germany.
The installation “Too beautiful to be true” that developed on the occasion of the exhibition, “Fine Arts”. Masks which picture the eye-and mouth area to the current CORRESPONDING ideal of beauty. When put on, however, they cause a contortion of the face. This is meant to show that beauty is not always artificially produced beautiful, instead it can evoke the very opposite. Furthermore the pressure to be beautiful is to be questioned and denounced The visitors of the exhibition were free to take along on copy of the masks, Which, not only inside the exhibition rooms, Resulted in many unsettling reactions during the evening.