The Breeders Record Release Party for Mountain Battles
The Breeders have a new album “Mountain Battles” coming out in the US on April 8th. To celebrate it’s release they had a Record Release…
weRobot, 51 Robots on a T-Shirt
Chop Shop has a great new t-shirt weRobot, featuring 51 different robots.
Muxtape, A Super Simple Way To Make Mixtapes
Muxtape is a wonderful new service created by Justin Ouellette that makes it really easy to create mixtapes, including a unique link that you can…
MIT Hackers Pay Tribute To Gary Gygax With Giant 20-Sided Die
MIT hackers recently paid tribute to Dungeons & Dragons co-founder Gary Gygax (who passed away earlier this month) by erecting a giant 20-sided die in…
Michael Galpert Asks People WTF Is Twitter?
Michael Galpert shot a series of video interviews at SXSW Interactive 2008 asking people the question WTF is Twitter?. Here’s my answer.
Hi-Fructose Magazine Re-Launches Website, Adds Blog
Hi-Fructose Magazine has just relaunched their website, along with a great new design, it includes an art calendar, online store and at long last, a…
Geek, Fray Issue 2 Call For Submissions
Fray has just put out an open call for submissions for Geek, the theme for their 2nd issue. Here’s the announcement that Derek Powazek sent…
Tweetburner, Helping You Shorten, Post and Track URL’s on Twitter
There’s seems to be a constant stream of great Twitter apps coming out these days (see my previous write-up on Quotably). Another cool new service…
Bag Embossed With Gun Shape by Vlieger & Vandam
A few weeks back at ETech, I was hanging out with Phillip Torrone who was sporting his “Guardian Angel” bag by Vlieger & Vandam that…
Quotably, Following Conversations on Twitter
Quotably is an interesting new service that helps you follow conversations on Twitter, even providing a RSS feed by user. Here’s Laughing Squid on Quotably.…