Dragnet: The LSD Story
“The LSD Story” the first episode of Dragnet from season one of the 1967 series, originally aired on January 12th, 1967. Also, it’s a bit…
What Color Should We Choose For The Next Laughing Squid Sticker?
What color would like like to see for our next Laughing Squid sticker? ( polls) Help us choose the color for our next Laughing Squid…
John McTaint Launches Presidential Campaign
John McTaint has just launched his campaign to be President of the United States. John McTaint is as ready to lead as any man in…
Imagining the Tenth Dimension by Rob Bryanton
“Imagining the Tenth Dimension” is a book by Rob Bryanton where he explores the possibilities of going beyond 4 dimensions. He created an animated video…
Then and Now: South Van Ness at Army, 1953 vs. 2008
Yesterday a friend sent me a link to an amazing gallery of vintage color photos of San Francisco from the Cushman Collection at Indiana University.…
Pandamonium in New York City
Pandamonium is a costumed, roving, street party, apocalyptic, dance, rock, battle that takes place this Saturday, August 16th in New York City. Meet at the…
Disqus 2.0, Featuring WordPress Comment Synching
Disqus, the excellent service that we use for our comments on this blog, just got even better with today’s launch of Disqus 2.0. It features…
Fire Eagle, A Location Based Development Platform
Yahoo! has just officially launched Fire Eagle, a location based development platform created by the Yahoo! Brickhouse team in San Francisco. Here’s a list of…
Warning: Zombies Returning To San Francisco
We just got word that the zombies will be returning to San Francisco on August 16th. This time around you’ll be able to track the…
After Burner: Playa Fuel & Aura Elixir, A Burning Man Energy Drink
After Burner is a new energy drink for people who go to Burning Man. Talk about niche market. It’s described as “Playa Fuel” and “Aura…