Current and Twitter Hack The Debate
Current has joined forces with Twitter to “Hack The Debate”, providing real-time Twitter updates during Current’s television broadcasts of all four debates. Just include #current…
History Hacker, Hosted by Bre Pettis on The History Channel
Our good friend Bre Pettis who produces new media for Etsy, has created a television pilot for “History Hacker” airing tonight on The History Channel.…
Analog Retirement T-Shirt by BustedTees
Here’s a really great “Analog Retirement” t-shirt by BustedTees. I really feel for that poor little 35mm film guy, but at least he’s in good…
Empire State Building Photos & Video
After my visit to Marvel Comics last week in midtown Manhattan, I was in the neighborhood so I dropped by the Empire State Building. I…
The Great Schlep by Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman wants you to make The Great Schlep to Florida this election year.
Metamorphosis and Music is Math by Glenn Marshall
“Metamorphosis” and “Music is Math” are two beautiful animations created by Glenn Marshall using the visual open source programming language Processing. Both videos use songs…
122 Years of Hovis Bread History In 122 Seconds
MCBD produced a wonderful TV commercial for British bakers Hovis Bread celebrating their 122 history in 122 seconds.
Handcar Regatta and Exposition of Mechanical and Artistic Wonders
Dr. Erasmus P. Kitty presents The Great West End and Railroad Square Handcar Regatta and Exposition of Mechanical and Artistic Wonders, a celebration of art,…
I Can Has Cheezburger? HappyCat Happy Hour at PariSoMa
Here are few photos from tonight’s HappyCat Happy Hour at the San Francisco co-working space PariSoMa hosted by I Can Has Cheezburger? co-founders Eric Nakagawa…
NYC Resistor, An Electronics & Hardware Hacker Space In Brooklyn
Following my tour of Etsy last week, Bre Pettis took me over to NYC Resistor, a really cool electronics and hardware hacker space in downtown…