The Kyoto Ectoplasm Girl
“The Kyoto Ectoplasm Girl” by Hine Mizushima, appearing in the “Kokeshi: From Folk Art to Art Toy” show taking place July 11th through October 4th…
Ze Frank Warns That If You Don’t Send This Video To Five People You Will Have Hard Times
Ze Frank warns that if you don’t send this video to five people you will have Hard Times.
Clear Has Ceased Operations, Shutting Down Airport Security Express Lanes
Clear, the service located at serveral airports that provided express lanes allowing travelers to bypass TSA security lines, has ceased operations due to financial reasons.…
The Story of Twitter, So Far…
Manolith has a great graphic by Infoshot showing “The Story (so far) of Twitter”. via Scott Rafer
Mobypicture, Simultaneously Upload iPhone Photos To Multiple Services
For a while I’ve been looking for a good way to simultaneously post photos from my iPhone to multiple services. Mobypicture looks like it might…, A New URL Shortening Service by StumbleUpon + Posting to Twitter and Facebook
StumbleUpon recently launched, their new URL shortening service that allows you to cross-post to StumbleUpon, Twitter and Facebook at the same time. It provides…
He’s Barack Obama, He’s Come to Save the Day!
“He’s Barack Obama” is an absolutely wonderful video by JibJab about the fearless superhero 44th President of the United States. Here’s a bunch of great…
Happy Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day to all of the Dads out there.
Low Light & Macro Photo Quality Greatly Improved With New iPhone 3G S
photo by Scott Beale I agree with John Gruber, the quality of low light and macro photos shot with the new iPhone 3G S has…
Tumblarity 666, The Number of the Blog
Throwing devil horns in your general direction.