Fireworks, Stop Motion Animation by PES
“Fireworks”, another wonderful stop motion animation video by PES. This post is dedicated to Elli Kate who loves everything PES does.
Stop The War on Fun, Help Protect Live Music & Entertainment in California
Stop The War on Fun is a “group musicians, artists, club owners, club goers, entertainment industry workers and supporters of fine arts and live entertainment…
Pez Suing Burlingame Museum of Pez Memorabilia
Pez Candy Inc. is suing the Burlingame Museum of Pez Memorabilia over copyright infringement. The suit, filed last week, claims that the museum deceives the…
Tiki Oasis 9, Tiki Surf City
poster by Derek Yaniger Tiki Oasis 9 “Tiki Surf City” is a 4-day weekend Tiki extravaganza taking place August 13-16 in San Diego. Organized by…
gdgt, New Gadget Site by Ryan Block and Peter Rojas
gdgt, the new gadget site created by Ryan Block (former editor of Engadget) and Peter Rojas (founder of Engadget & Gizmodo), has just launched. gdgt…
photo by Scott Beale Osama bin Laden “Missing” street art seen on Valencia Street in San Francisco.
First Aid For Wedding Emergencies
“First Aid For Wedding Emergencies” is a hilarious series of videos by Kasper Hauser promoting their new book “Weddings of the Times”. See Previously: –…
Fancy Fast Food, Extreme Makeovers of Fast Food
Fancy Fast Food features recipes and photos of fast food that has undergone an extreme makeover. For example the Tacobellini, which was made from a…
No Dumping, Drains To Space
photo by Scott Beale No only does dumping endanger dolphins in the ocean, but also aliens in space.
The DM of The Rings, The Lord of The Rings Told as a Dungeons & Dragons Campaign
“The DM of The Rings”, a webcomic by Shamus Young that tells the story of The Lord of The Rings in the form of a…