Chocolate Zombie Bunny
Chocolate Zombie Bunny by ThinkGeek
Twelve Miles of Yarn, A Knitted Ferrari Replica
“Twelve Miles of Yarn” by British artist Lauren Porter is a nearly full scale replica of a Ferrari 355 knitted from 12 miles of…
Follow Me Twitter Tattoo Thigh-High Stockings
Post created a pair of sexy “Follow Me” Twitter tattoo thigh-high stockings that they are selling through their Etsy shop. via Violet Blue
The Ghost Inside Private Eyes by Broken Bells and Hall & Oats
A music video for “The Ghost Inside” by Broken Bells that is a clever remix of the “Private Eyes” video by Hall & Oats.
The History of Graffiti and Street Art (1940-2010)
Graffiti and Street Art, a diagram by Daniel Feral from the recent Pantheon art show in New York City. submitted by DB
SF MusicTech Summit in San Francisco
The eighth SF MusicTech Summit will take place on Monday, May 9, 2011 at Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco. There will be speakers from Billboard,…
Extreme Ironing on the M1 Motorway
Jason Blair recnetlhy engaged in a bit of Extreme Ironing in the middle of the M1 Motorway. Extreme Ironing – the latest danger sport…
The World’s Largest Pac Man Game Has 10,000 Levels
The World’s Biggest Pac-Man Game allows players to create their own Pac Man levels, which are then added to a giant interconnected super maze of…
Non-Stop Nyan Cat / Pop Tart Cat – How Long Can You Go?
Turn your speakers all the way up and enjoy the unrelenting delights of Nyan Cat, the never-ending Pop Tart Cat of joy. See how long…
A Drummer Simultaneously Juggling and Drumming With 3 Drum Sticks
Drummer Adam Gray is seen here simultaneously juggling and drumming with three drum sticks. Gray is a member of Texas in July, a metalcore band…