Talk-o-Meter, iPhone App Shows Who is Dominating a Conversation
Talk-o-Meter is an iPhone app by Unperfekthaus that monitors a live two person conversation and creates graphs showing proportionally how much each person is talking–thus…
Improv Everywhere: Carousel Horse Race
The latest Improv Everywhere mission turned Le Carrousel in NYC’s Bryant Park into a horse race.
Seagull Steals GoPro Video Camera, Documenting Its Escape
A seagull stole a GoPro video camera in Cannes, documenting its escape as it flew away. It’s possible this this is just clever a promo…
Exotic World & The Burlesque Revival Documentary
Exotic World & the Burlesque Revival is a documentary, ten years in the making, about the Exotic World museum which was founded by a retired…
Middlebrow Culture
GQ correspondant Devin Friedman takes a look at Middlebrow Culture, “The Taste That Dare Not Speak Its Name”.
Gay Pride Parade 2011 NYC, Celebrating Same Sex Marriage
Loren Feldman made a great video of yesterday’s Gay Pride Parade Parade in NYC featured the celebration of the passing of the historic New…
Fishing Boat Engulfed by Jumping Asian Carp
Late last year group on a fishing trip where engulfed in a swarm of jumping Asian carp.
Unicandycorn by Keith Greenstein, part of his 30 Days of Creativity series.
Golden Greater, A San Francisco Neighborhood Poster
“Golden Greater”, a San Francisco neighborhood poster by Ork Posters, who make beautiful posters of US cities. via sfhaps
Doonesbury on How Search Engines Impact Life as a College Student
Doonesbury takes a look at how search engines impact the life of a college student. via Nick Douglas