Sad Ultraman

“Sad Ultraman” by Doctor Popular, from his “Everyday Tokusatsu” series of watercolor paintings that he is selling to help raise money for the Red Cross…

A Love Story… In Milk

“A Love Story… In Milk”, an environmental PSA produced by Catsnake for UK nonprofit Friends of the Earth. via Curiosity Counts

Octopus For Hire

“See Arm for Details”, a tentacular new t-shirt design by Nathan Pyle currently up for voting on Threadless.

Ronen’s Adventure in an iPhone

Ronen’s Adventure in an iPhone, written and choreographed by Ronen Verbit and Vanya Polunin, and shot entirely using an iPhone.

Il Tiro Espresso Gun

The il Tiro Espresso Gun is an espresso machine design concept inspired by a revolver pistol (see the video demo.) It rather artfully achieves the…

Pneuborns, Japanese Pneumatic Robot Babies

Pneuborn 7 and 13 are two robo-babies built by robotics researchers at Osaka University’s Hosada Laboratory. Named after the air-powered actuators that simulate the muscles…