Lightsaber Battle

Lightsaber Battle NYC 2011

Lori Kufner and Kevin Bracken, co-founders of urban art events collective, Newmindspace, are once again hosting the nerd-rific event, Lightsaber Battle NYC, on September 24,…

Fallout Themed Monopoly Game

Elisabeth Redel created a wonderful Monopoly Board and Game Pieces based on the video game series Fallout. via Geeks are Sexy, Kotaku & Neatorama

Lightning In Toronto

Cinematographer/editor Jon Simonassi shot a beautiful video of lightning in Toronto during a recent thunderstorm.

An Inside Look at The Fake Barf Industry

The old school pranksters delight, fake vomit, is still going strong according to novelty puke experts, Stan and Mardi Timm. Vintage and antiques website, Collectors…