Destructables, A How-To Site for Creative Activists
Destructables is a how-to website for creative activism, complete with step-by-step instructions, photos, videos and illustrations. “Destructables” is a play on the popular Instructables how-to…

Mountain Biker Gets Knocked Off His Bike by a Buck During a Race
Evan van der Spuy, a mountain biker on Team Jeep South Africa, was knocked off his bike by a Red Hartebeest while competing in a…

John Carpenter’s The Thing as a Musical
Jon Kaplan and Al Kaplan have turned the 1982 John Carpenter space horror film The Thing into a upbeat musical. via MetaFilter
Other Uses for Candy Corn
MJ has a new t-shirt on Shirt.Woot that suggests some Other Uses for Candy Corn.
Minimalistic Packaging For BluePrintJuice
BluePrintCleanse hired media and design agency Doubleday & Cartwright to come up with packaging for their fresh unpasteurized juice line, BluePrintJuice. The result is lovely…
And7YearsAgram Shows Your Instagram Photos From A Year Ago
And7YearsAgram delivers your Instagram photos from last year to your email inbox. This web service was created by Benny Wong and Jonathan Wegener and was…
Suits for Wall Street, Providing the Protesters With Subversive Threads
What did Martin Luther King, Emma Goldman, Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, Aung San Suu Kyi and Harvey Milk all have in common? Fabulous suits.…

Stray, An Alley Cat Dreams About Becoming an Internet Meme
The animated short, Stray, follows the life of an alley cat who aspires to become an internet meme and inadvertently does so by becoming a…

6 Days to Air, The Making of South Park Documentary
Alarmingly Realistic Face Masks by REAL-f
Japanese company REAL-f creates 3D Photo Forms, eerily photorealistic replicas of faces and (coming soon!) entire heads. Prices start at about $3,900. via TechCrunch