Ukrainian Daredevil Hangs from Tall Buildings in Frightening Photos
Ukrainian daredevil Mustang Wanted poses for hair-raising photos by hanging from tall buildings without the aid of safety equipment. The 26-year-old performs the extremely ill-advised…
Little Outliner, A Browser-Based Outlining Program by Dave Winer
Bloging and RSS pioneer Dave Winer has launched Little Outliner, a simple browser-based JavaScript program released through his new company Small Picture that allows users…
Hobo Facebook, A Homeless Man Makes a Profile in Cardboard
A homeless man in Canada has gotten creative and made a cardboard “Hobo Facebook” sign to ask for money. image via jaus via reddit, Blame…
Quadrotors Create ‘Star Trek’ Insignia During Earth Hour to Promote ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’
To mark Earth Hour 2013, Ars Electronica Futurelab launched 30 LED-equipped Hummingbird quadcopters from Ascending Technologies near London’s iconic Tower Bridge. The quadcopters formed…
Ad Shows a Guy’s Luxurious Hair Moving in Slo-Mo After Using Shampoo Made for Women
In this Brazilian ad for the ‘Men + Care’ line of shampoos by Dove, a guy shows up to work with long luxurious hair that…
Cat Walks Dog
In this video uploaded by DAFNA kopelis on YouTube, a cat picks up a dog’s leash and walks it home with the help of some…
Goblinproofing One’s Chicken Coop Wins Oddest Book Title of the Year
Bookseller has announced that Goblinproofing One’s Chicken Coop by Reginald Bakeley has won the Diagram Prize for oddest book title of the year. It is…
The Fresh Ten Commandments, An Update To the Ten Commandments For Today’s World
Erika Hall has updated the Ten Commandments to reflect today’s world, behold: The Fresh Ten Commandments
Illustrated Anatomy of Popular Disney Characters
Inhuman Anatomy is an incredible ongoing series of illustrations by Italian musician and artist Alessandro Conti that give us a detailed inside look at popular…
Sleepy Soori the Meerkat Nods Off
Sleepy Soori the meerkat nods off while sitting up. via Cats, Beavers, & Ducks, Prickly Legs