Fat Heroes, A Satirical Illustration of Overweight Comic Superheroes
“Fat Heroes” is a satirical illustration by Mexico-based freelance illustrator Carlos Dattoli of overweight comic book superheroes (Superman. Batman, Robin and Flash). You can view…
Squito, A Baseball-Sized Throwable Panoramic Camera
Boston-based inventor Steve Hollinger is currently working to create the Squito, a roughly baseball-sized throwable camera that can take panoramic images and video while it’s…
Remarkable Driftwood Animal Sculptures by Jeffro Uitto
Artist Jeffro Uitto crafts remarkable large-scale animal sculptures out of driftwood he scavenges from the beaches and waterways of Washington State’s Pacific coastline. Uitto also…
Sculptures Made With Oreo Cookies
“Archaeologists discovered King Richard III’s skeleton under a parking lot today. In unrelated news, we discovered a creme sculpture of King Richard III’s skeleton under…
Phoenix, A Pair of Massive Phoenix Sculptures Made of Chinese Construction Debris
The sculptural installation “Phoenix” consists of a pair of massive phoenix sculptures made of materials scavenged from urban construction sites in China. Designed by Chinese…
The Royalphabet, An A to Z Poster About the British Royal Family
Illustrator Lee Boulton and KK Outlet have created the Royalphabet, a colorful A to Z poster that highlights “all that is great and grotesque” about…
Impala Runs From Hungry Cheetahs and Leaps Into a Tourists’ SUV To Escape Death
In this incredible footage shot by Samantha Pittendrigh in Kruger National Park, South Africa, a pair of cheetahs are chasing a herd of impalas…
The World’s Tallest Freestanding Climbing Wall
Fake Ice Cream Man Serves Fruits & Veggies Instead of Sweets
Roman Atwood poses as an ice cream man who serves fruits and vegetables (on sticks, no less) instead of Choco Tacos and other ice cream…
Withings Pulse, A Fitness Tracker That Measures Heart Rate, Steps, Sleep Quality & More
Withings, a company primarily known for its scales, has released the Withings Pulse, a fitness tracker that monitors steps, heart rate, elevation, distance, calories, sleep…