World’s First Vending Machine To Make Hot Belgian Frites
In just 95 seconds, this coin-operated vending machine can fry up an individual serving of hot frites –using beef fat not vegetable oil– on demand.…

How to Make Self-Inflating Balloons and Pull Other Pranks Using Dry Ice
Grant Thompson of The King of Random shares five different pranks you can pull using dry ice — like challenging your friends to light a…

What’s in Prince’s Fridge
In 2011, the blog Heavy Table visited Prince’s house for their ongoing “What’s In Your Fridge” series. Though they were prohibited from photographing the contents…

Massive Louisiana Sinkhole Swallows a Group of Trees
The massive Bayou Corne sinkhole located in Assumption Parish, Louisiana swallows a group of trees in these videos uploaded on August 21st and 22nd, 2013.…

Giant 550-Ton Military Hovercraft Lands on Crowded Beach in Russia
A giant 550-ton Zubr-class Russian military hovercraft codenamed “Bison” threw up a massive cloud of mist while abruptly docking onto a crowded beach in Mechnikovo…

Super Mario Bros. Themed World War II Propaganda Posters
“Knock Him Down” Los Angeles-based artist Fernando Reza created a new set of seven wonderful Super Mario Bros. themed World War II propaganda posters. Each…

Supercut of Characters Saying ‘Kill Him’ in Movies
DarthSaws has created a deadly supercut video of characters saying “Kill Him” in movies. Here’s a full list of the films, in order of appearance.

Remember 2006, A Video Compilation of Popular Culture From 2006
Siminz, also known as The Peterson, continues his series of pop culture nostalgia videos with “Remember 2006,” a video full of music, film clips, and…

Men With Long Hair Styled Into Fancy Women’s Updos
As part of the “Facing Change” series on The Bold Italic, visual producer Jessica Saia took eight men with long hair to Salon Miel to…

Long Distance Operator, The History of Communications Technology Told With a Remix of Iconic Sounds
Jed Oelbaum and Oliver Noble have created “Long Distance Operator,” a remix that illustrates the evolution of communications technologies using samples of iconic sounds. The…