Progressbar, Animation of a Worker Pulling a Video Progress Bar Across the Screen
A worker haltingly pulls a video progress bar across the screen in the simple yet oddly amusing animation “Progressbar” by French animator Vincent Broquaire. via…
Blind Man Regains Sight by Having His Tooth Implanted in His Eye
A blind man in Britain, Ian Tibbetts, recently had his sight restored through a bizarre medical procedure in which one of his teeth was implanted…
Jimmy Fallon and Paul McCartney Swap Accents
Sir Paul McCartney was a recent guest on Late Night and backstage he accidentally bumped into host Jimmy Fallon which caused them to “switch accents”.…
Can We Survive the Sun’s Death? by AsapScience
AsapSCIENCE host Mitchell Moffit explores whether humans could live through the Sun’s eventual expansion in his latest video, “Can We Survive The Sun’s Death?” submitted…
This Is How You Pitch: How To Kick Ass In Your First Years of PR, A Book About Public Relations by Ed Zitron
This Is How You Pitch: How To Kick Ass In Your First Years of PR is a book written by EZPR founder Ed Zitron full…
SpaghettiOs Cupcakes With Velveeta Frosting & Goldfish Sprinkles
Becky McKay of the baking blog The Cereal Baker combined a can of SpaghettiOs with yellow cake mix to make some seriously offbeat cupcakes which…
Chartbeat Rising, A Real-Time Display of Trending Topics on the Internet
Chartbeat Rising is a project that uses anonymous Chartbeat data to show which topics are trending across the internet in real time. The site also…
APE 2013, Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco
Alternative Press Expo 2013 poster by Colleen Coover and Paul Tobin APE 2013, the Alternative Press Expo presented by Comic-Con International, is an independent publishing…
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, DeWitt & Elizabeth Return to the Underwater City of Rapture in New DLC
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, new downloadable content for the video game Bioshock Infinite, stars private eye Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth in the underwater city…
Redesigned $100 Bill Released Into Circulation
Today the Federal Reserve introduced a redesigned $100 bill into circulation, more than two years later than originally planned. The banknote was delayed due to…