Black Swans Surf a Few Waves on Gold Coast of Australia
Four black swans caught a few waves while hanging out at Kirra Break on the Australian Gold Coast. Cowabunga dudes! via NineMSN, eBaums World
Dutch Artist Creates 3D Drawings That Seemingly Pop Off the Page
Dutch artist Ramon Bruin aka JJK Airbrush has a remarkable talent for creating three-dimensional drawings that seem to “pop” right off the page. Ramon’s attention…
The Wreath of Khan
Annie Shapiro has created “The Wreath of Khan”, a Star Trek Christmas wreath made from the many faces of Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalbán). The…
First-Person Video Shot With Google Glass at a Gun Range
Google Glass owner cheekflapperer took a trip to a gun range and captured some first-person video while shooting at a target. via Digg Video
Slovenian Soccer Team Trains Their Goalkeeper by Firing Balls from Live Cannons
In this video, a Slovenian soccer team attempts to train their goalkeeper by firing balls from a series of live cannons. via 101 Great Goals,…
Illustrations of San Francisco’s Iconic Sights by Arin Fishkin
San Francisco-based artist and designer Arin Fishkin pays tribute to her favorite hometown sights in the illustration series “San Francisco.” Prints of the illustrations can…
The Best Dog Vines of 2013
BuzzFeed has created a compilation video of the best Vines starring dogs from 2013. Dogs ride bikes, dramatically play dead, paddle in the pool half-heartedly,…
Rat Runs Down the Up Escalator
In January 2012, a subway rat went for an crazy ride running down the up escalator at the Civic Center BART station in San Francisco.…
Black Rock Desert, An Art History of the Black Rock Desert by Christopher Brooks
Black Rock Desert is a book by Christopher Brooks about the art history of the Black Rock Desert, the 1,000-square-mile expanse of Nevada desert that…
Illustrations of LEGO Minifigs as Iconic Movie Characters from the 80s
Artist Dan Shearn has created a fantastic illustrated series of classic LEGO minifigs as iconic movie characters from the 1980s. You can view more from…