Live Versions of New Yorker Cartoons Performed on Late Night with Seth Meyers
On a recent episode of Late Night with Seth Meyers, the “Late Night Players Theater Troupe” performed live versions of New Yorker cartoons for David…

Jeff the Animal Guy Freaks Out Jimmy Fallon With Two-Toed Sloth and Giant Lizard on ‘The Tonight Show’
An extremely boisterous Jeff Musial aka “Jeff the Animal Guy” brought a baby two-toed sloth and a giant lizard to the March 21, 2014 episode…

Magician Makes A Treat Disappear In Front Of Different Dogs Who Respond In Adorable Ways
Finnish magician Jose Ahonen performs a trick for a number of dogs in which he makes a treat disappear in front of their noses and…

What Bitcoin Might Have Been Like If It Existed in the 1990s
Squirrel Monkey imagines what Bitcoin might have been like if it existed in the 1990s.

Travel Is, An Ode to Travel Filmed in 12 Countries
Daniel Klein and Mirra Fine of The Perennial Plate condensed 14 months of travel across 12 countries into “Travel Is,” a delightful 1.5-minute ode to…

Burning Man Co-Founder Larry Harvey on Charlie Rose
Larry Harvey discusses Burning Man, the art festival he co-founded, in this interview with Charlie Rose. In the interview Harvey describes the event’s origins, the…

Kevin Bacon Reprises His Epic Dance Scene From ‘Footloose’ After Jimmy Fallon Bans Dancing On ‘The Tonight Show’
Last night, host Jimmy Fallon declared, to much audience consternation, that dancing had been banned on The Tonight Show. In protest, actor Kevin Bacon impressively…

An Animated Look at the Size of the Universe
Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomer Liz illustrates the size of the universe with some simple analogies in the animation “How Big Is The Universe?” The video…

The Hook-up Truck, A Box Truck That Serves as a Mobile Private Hotel Room for ‘Intimate Relations’
The Hook-up Truck is a car service that provides a mobile hotel room, in the form of a box truck, for “intimate relations.” According to…

Daredevil Performs Handstand on the Edge of the Roof on a 40-Story Building in Shanghai
British parkour practitioner Scott Young performs a handstand on the edge of the roof of a 40-story building in this death-defying video recorded in Shanghai.…