‘Helium Harvey’, An Animated Adventure About A Boy Who Accidentally Swallows a Balloon
“Helium Harvey,” a new short by Brooklyn-based animator Daniel Savage, tells the tale of a young boy’s aerial adventure after accidentally swallowing a balloon. The…
Unsung Hero, A Heartwarming Commercial About a Man Who Changes Lives by Performing Random Acts of Kindness
Bangkok-based Thai Life Insurance worked with the Ogilvy & Mather advertising agency to create “Unsung Hero,” a heartwarming commercial about a man who changes the…
The Reason for the Earth’s Seasons as Explained From Space
The reason for the Earth’s seasons is succinctly explained using space imagery in this 2011 video from NASA Earth Observatory. As the year goes on,…
Rise of the Patent Troll by Kirby Ferguson of ‘Everything Is a Remix’
Kirby Ferguson addresses the scourge of the patent troll in this special presentation of his Everything is a Remix series. fixpatents.org has more on the…
‘Thought Glass,’ New Vsauce2 Series Answers Common Questions Using Simple Facts and Stick-On Visuals
The new Vsauce2 series “Thought Glass” addresses common questions with quick, concise answers. Standing behind a transparent pane of glass pane, host Kevin Lieber takes…
‘Soaked in Bleach’, A Docudrama That Reexamines Kurt Cobain’s Death Through New Interviews & Dramatic Reenactment
Soaked in Bleach, the upcoming docudrama directed by Act of Valor producer Benjamin Statler, is a reexamination of the circumstances surrounding the death of Nirvana…
The Expectations Versus the Reality of What Life is Like in New York City
BuzzFeedYellow breaks down the expectations versus the reality of what life in New York City is like in this amusing video. For example, people often…
Season 3 of ‘TableTop’, A Video Series About Playing Tabletop Games by Geek & Sundry
TableTop, a video series by Geek & Sundry about tabletop games and hosted by Wil Wheaton with celebrity guests, is currently raising funds for a…
Persistent Cat Demands Attention While Human Plays Guitar Shredding Solo
A gorgeous but very persistent siamese cat who seemingly wants to be the center of attention, pulls out all the stops in an attempt to…
Funny Caricature Portraits of ‘The Avengers’ That Portray the Mighty Superheroes as a Cute Children
(larger) Artist Ben Oliver has created a funny series of caricature portraits featuring The Avengers that portray each of the mighty superheroes as cute children.