Daring Cat Makes Amazing Leap From the Roof of a Van to the Roof of a House
A daring cat makes an amazing leap from a ladder on the roof of a handyman’s van to the roof of a house where he…
A Pair of Beautiful Geometric Crop Circles in an Italian Farm Field
According to Italian crop circle maker Francesco Grassi, he and a team of collaborators created these two crop circles last week in a farm field…
A Fascinating Light Refraction Experiment That Effectively Turns Beakers Invisible
At-Bristol science presenter Ross Exton demonstrates a light refraction experiment where he effectively turns a series of beakers invisible using glycerol. Invisibility cloaks might sound…
Very Goods, A Retail Wishlist and Recommendation Community Replacement for Svpply
Very Goods is a retail wishlist and recommendation community by Ben Pieratt and product team Fictive Kin that intends to replace Svpply, a similar community…
What Happens When an Egg Is Cracked Underwater
Communications company Nokia has posted a video featuring a diver cracking an egg underwater. As it turns out, fish also like eggs. The short experiment…
Tiny Kitten Pops Straight Up Into the Air Each Time an Elaborate Rug Is Moved Slightly by a Human Foot
Afraid of the pattern on an elaborately decorated rug that’s being moved slightly by a human foot, a tiny kitten repeatedly jumps straight up into…
Glove and Boots Rant About and Explain How Clickbait Headlines Are Ruining the Internet
Internet puppets Fafa the Groundhog and Mario rant about and explain how clickbait headlines are ruining the Internet on a recent episode of Glove and…
Filmmakers Freddie Wong and Matt Arnold Share a Season 3 Preview of ‘Video Game High School’ on ‘Conan’
On a recent episode of Conan, award-winning independent filmmakers Freddie Wong and Matt Arnold sat down with host Conan O’Brien to talk about the upcoming…
Coco the Golden Retriever Loves To Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Corn A golden retriever named Coco loves her fruit and vegetables and does her best to make sure she gets the daily requirements of both…
A Beautiful 19th Century Mechanical Singing Bird Box Created by Swiss Inventor Charles Bruguier
This video from 2013 features a singing bird box crafted by 19th century Swiss inventor Charles Abraham Bruguier, one of the most prominent builders of…