Earth Unplugged Explores What Happens If Sharks Become Extinct and Whether Flies Sleep
Maddie Moate and Sam Hume of Earth Unplugged explores what happens to other creatures in the ocean if sharks become extinct and whetherflies sleep at…
Giant Tortoises of Saint Helena and Prison Islands Among the Oldest Known Living Animals in the World
An elderly Aldabra Giant Tortoise named Jonathan recently celebrated a birthday at the Plantation House on Saint Helena Island. Jonathan’s age is estimated to be…
‘A Visual Compendium of Baseball Jerseys’, An Art Print Featuring 121 Hand-Drawn Baseball Uniforms Throughout History
(larger) Pop Chart Lab has created A Visual Compendium of Baseball Jerseys, a new art print that features 121 hand-drawn baseball uniforms from throughout history.…
A Giant Turtle Sculpture Made of Scrap Metal by Indonesian Artist Ono Gaf
Indonesian artist Ono Gaf created an incredible giant turtle sculpture out of old tools, automotive parts, and other scrap metal. The Jakarta Post has more…
Google Maps Adds Virtual Tours of Mars and the Moon
Google Maps has added virtual tours of Mars and the Moon to the service. The tours includes labeled topographic features like Olympica Fossae on Mars.…
A Time-Lapse of a Rose of Jericho Transforming From a Dried Weed to a Green Plant After Being Exposed to Water
Film studio Tender Fox has created a time-lapse video of a Rose of Jericho that illustrates the desert plant’s remarkable ability, after being exposed to…
The Maker Film Festival, A Film Celebration of the Maker Movement in Durango, Colorado
The first Maker Film Festival, a showcase of films by and about the maker movement, takes place August 9th and 10th, 2014 at the Powerhouse…
The ‘Some Guy’ Anthem, A Song About Anonymous Internet Stardom by Jonathan Mann
“The ‘Some Guy’ Anthem” is a song by musician Jonathan Mann about the many times he has been referred to in online coverage as “some…
A Trio of Bear Cubs Simultaneously Groom Each Other In an Adorable Assembly Line
Three little bear cubs simultaneously groom each other as an adorable ursine assembly line in this amusing video posted by Sylvie B.
European Space Agency’s Rosetta Spacecraft Arrives at Comet Destination After 10 Years
The European Space Agency‘s Rosetta spacecraft has arrived at its comet destination after a journey of 10 years. Rosetta was launched in 2004 with the…