A Touching Animation About the Love Between a Kindhearted Doorman and His Favorite Tenant
“Open-Hearted Doorman” is a touching animation based on a New York Times article by Julie Margaret Hogben that tells the story of the love between…
George R.R. Martin Sets the Record Straight for People Who Think He Enjoys Killing Off Main Characters
In an animated short by Andrew Bridgman of Dorkly, author George R.R. Martin sets the record straight for people who think that he thoroughly enjoys…
‘Huge Basketball Shorts’, An Absurd Music Video About a Young Man’s Love of Oversized Athletic Wear
“Huge Basketball Shorts” is an absurd music video by Eric Fensler about a young man’s love of oversized athletic wear.
A Modern Star Wars: The Force Awakens Style Trailer for the Original Trilogy
Medley Weaver has created a wonderful, modern Star Wars: The Force Awaken-style trailer for the original Star Wars trilogy. He used footage and audio from…
Rescued Baby Deer Is Reluctant to Leave the Side of the Compassionate Human Who Saved Her
A compassionate photographer named Darius Sasnauskas rescued a young fawn who had been abandoned by her mother in his backyard due to a broken leg…
Illustrations of Iconic Buildings From Popular Movies and TV Shows
Fred Birchal has created a series of stylized illustrations that depict iconic buildings from popular movies and television shows. The firehouse from Ghostbusters and the…
A Thrilling Musical About a Ball Rescuing His Brothers From a Rube Goldberg Device
An Honest Movie Trailer for Pixar’s ‘Inside Out’
Screen Junkies gives their Honest Trailers treatment to the 2015 Disney•Pixar emotional hit Inside Out. Relive Pixar’s emotional roller coaster that made adults cry and…
The First Person in History to Run a Marathon Without Telling Anyone About It
Above Average has discovered the first woman in history to run a marathon without telling anyone about it or posting about it on social media.
An Animated Explanation of How Doctors Determine When a Person is Truly Dead
“When are you dead?” by the New Scientist series Explanimator gives a simple animated explanation of how doctors determine when a person is truly dead. The line between life…