Get Your War On, The Animated Series
“Get Your War On”, the brilliant satirical web comic by David Rees, is returning in the form of a new weekly animated series featured on…
Rush Playing ‘Tom Sawyer’ on Rock Band
Here’s Rush attempting to play their song “Tom Sawyer” on Rock Band while backstage prior to their appearance on The Colbert Report. They ended up…
WordCamp San Francisco 2008
WordCamp San Francisco 2008, an all day conference for WordPress users and developers, takes place Saturday, August 16th at the Mission Bay Conference Center in…
Gocco, A Self-Contained Compact Color Printing System
The latest episode of Etsy Howto features Bre Pettis and Julie Schneider of Etsy Labs demonstrating a Gocco, the nifty self-contained compact color printing system.…
9th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day
Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day. Take a moment to thank the guys and gals who keep your servers running safe and sound 24 UPDATE: There…
Neverwas Steam Cooked Hot Dogs aka Steam Bangers
Last Sunday at the 1 Wall / 25 Gears Benefit For Todd Blair, Shannon of the Neverwas Haul crew gave me a demonstration on how…
Ignite NYC + NYC Soldering Championship
The very first Ignite NYC takes place next Tuesday, July 29th at M1-5 in Manhattan. Ignite is really great series organized by Brady Forrest where…
Google Launches Knol, Collaborating on Authoritative Articles
Google has just launched their new author driven web service Knol (which was announced in December), where people can share and collaborate on authoritative articles…
A Typeface Crisis at The Font Conference
A typeface crisis takes place at the Font Conference by College Humor.
Photos & Video of 1 Wall / 25 Gears Benefit For Todd Blair
Here are are few photos from Sunday’s 1 Wall / 25 Gears Benefit For Todd Blair which took place at Rhythmix Cultural Works in Alameda.…