Kitten Stuck Inside of Hamster Ball
A curious kitten playing inside of a hamster ball. via BuzzFeed

An 8 Bit Remix of the Game of Thrones Theme
“Videogame of Thrones”, an 8 bit remix of the Game of Thrones theme by Digitapp.

Que, Eau de Barbeque by Pork Barrel BBQ
Que – Eau de Barbeque by Pork Barrel BBQ Que, an intoxicating bouquet of spices, smoke, meat, and sweet summer sweat, is the latest development…
Eddie Codel spotted this Safetyformer at the Delaware Welcome Center Travel Plaza.

Sesame Street Presents SpiderMonster, The Musical
A sneak peek of “SpiderMonster, The Musical”, an upcoming Sesame Street spoof of the Broadway musical.

A Supercut of Actors Playing Woody Allen In Woody Allen Movies
Oliver Noble of FilmDrunk has compiled a supercut of actors playing Woody Allen in Woody Allen movies. via Lampham’s Quarterly

DJ Cat Shows Off Turntable Scratching Skillz
Dilla the DJ Cat shows off her mad turntable scratching skillz.

Muffin Monster, A Machine That Destroys Everything
Muffin Monster by JWC Environmental is an impressive machine that destroys everything that is fed to it. via Boing Boing
Google Chromebooks Now Available For Purchase
Google has just announced that their new cloud-based Chromebooks are now available through Amazon and Best Buy. Chromebooks are built and optimized for the web,…

It’s Gettin’ Real In The Whole Foods Parking Lot
Fog and Smog make a catchy rap song about the Whole Foods Parking Lot where it’s about to get real. via Grant Shellen