The Seven Deadly Keys
The Seven Deadly Keys on Sticky Comics
Tallis, Episode One of Dragon Age: Redemption Featuring Felicia Day
“Tallis” is the first episode of Dragon Age: Redemption, a new 6 part web series written by and starring Felica Day of The Guild,…
Straight Outta Dunwoody, Hardcore Rap About Living In the Suburbs
“Straight Outta Dunwoody” a new hardcore rap music video by Dormtainment about living in suburban Atlanta. via Blame It On The Voices
The Avengers
The Avengers is the latest film in the Marvel Comics universe. Directed by Joss Whedon, the film is scheduled for release on May 4, 2012.…
A Delectable Kaleidoscope of Candy Bars
A Delectable Kaleidoscope of Candy Bars, a new print by Pop Chart Lab “charting of the very many bars wherein chocolate intersects with delightful compatriots,…
Mountain Biker Gets Knocked Off His Bike by a Buck During a Race
Evan van der Spuy, a mountain biker on Team Jeep South Africa, was knocked off his bike by a Red Hartebeest while competing in a…
John Carpenter’s The Thing as a Musical
Jon Kaplan and Al Kaplan have turned the 1982 John Carpenter space horror film The Thing into a upbeat musical. via MetaFilter
Other Uses for Candy Corn
MJ has a new t-shirt on Shirt.Woot that suggests some Other Uses for Candy Corn.
The Ultimate Nerd Guide To New York City
BuzzFeed has crated The Ultimate Nerd Guide To New York City, just in time for New York Comic Con this week.
Judy Jetson Really Loves Boys
Rich Juzwiak made a wonderful supercut showing just how much Judy Jetson Loves Dudes, even the gay ones. via The Hairpin