Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.
Baby Monkey vs. Kitten
Max Bilbow documents an epic battle between a baby monkey and a kitten along the banks of the River Nile in Uganda. May the cutest…
A Behind The Scenes Look at Halo 4
A behind-the-scenes look at Halo 4, the incredibly popular Microsoft/Xbox video game series Halo by 343 Industries.
How The Domain Name System (DNS) Works
DNS Made Easy explains the Domain Name System (DNS). Previously they took a look at The Importance of DNS.
Squirrel Thief Steals Man’s Food Behind His Back
newton2013 catches a squirrel food thief in the act.
Tumblr on xkcd
Tumblr on xkcd
Game of Thrones Themed Opening to The Simpsons
Sunday night’s episode of The Simpsons opened with a wonderful Game of Thrones parody. via Super Punch
Bride of Homer Simpson by Ron English
Bride of Homer by Ron English via Ron English
Negative Space Invader
Negative Space Invader by Viktor Hertz via Kuriositas
How Much Bigger Will Their Afros Get?
“Afros”, a wedding save the date video on Saturday Night Live.
Elevator Prank by Rémi Gaillard
French prankster Rémi Gaillard is back with his latest prank where he pretends to live in an elevator. via The Awesomer