Chimpnology, A Brilliantly Disturbing Animation by Cyriak Featuring a Series Mutating Chimpanzees
“Chimpnology”, the latest brilliantly disturbing animated short by Cyriak, features a series of mutating chimpanzees using clips from the 1963 short film “BflOggGX = STwWcfl…
Amazing Olympic Facts by AsapSCIENCE
Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown of AsapSCIENCE share some amazing Olympic facts leading up to the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia. AsapSCIENCE is…
Talented 15 Month-Old Basketball Playing Baby Shoots Six Baskets In a Row
This talented basketball playing baby, who just turned 15 months, catches the ball and shoots six baskets in a row.
The Epic Super Bowl Commercial Newcastle Would Have Made If They Had the Budget to Make a Superbowl Ad
UK brewery Newcastle has released the storyboard of the epic Super Bowl commercial they would have made, if they had the budget to make a…
What If Advertisers Shared Cost of Making a Super Bowl Commercial by Each Paying for One Second of an Ad
On a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live host Jimmy Kimmel imagined what it would be like if companies that don’t have a big advertising…
Philip Seymour Hoffman (1967-2014), American Actor and Director
Actor and director Philip Seymour Hoffman, who won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2005 for his portrayal of Truman Capote in the film…
George the Dog Loves Watching Tennis on Television
George, the golden retriever puppy, loves to watch sports on TV, especially tennis. Here’s a video of him enjoying this year’s Australian Open. video via…
Kids Taste Testing Gourmet Food
BuzzFeed Video invited several kids to taste test a variety of gourmet food, including caviar, squid ink pasta and gold coins. The result was some…
Kitten Bowl 2014, Featuring Kittens Playing in Bowls
The Pet Collective presents Kitten Bowl 2014, featuring an assortment of kittens playing in bowls. Don’t want to watch a Bird battle a Horse over…
Why People Use Online Pizza Delivery Status Trackers
Doghouse Diaries takes a look at why people use online pizza delivery status trackers.