Apple Exploring Creating Original Programming To Compete With Netflix, Amazon and Hulu
According to Variety, Apple is exploring the possibility of creating original programming in order to compete directly with services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu.
Amazon Is Now Allowing Its Prime Members To Download Video To Their iOS and Android Devices
Amazon has announced that it is now allowing its Prime members to download Amazon Videos to their iOS and Android devices. They are the first…
Jimmy Fallon Takes a Look at the Pros and Cons of Going to Burning Man
Jimmy Fallon takes a look at the pros and cons of going to Burning Man on The Tonight Show.
Google Unveils New Logo and Takes a Look Back at How They Have Evolved Over the Last 17 Years
Google takes a look at the evolution of the company over the last 17 years as they unveil their new logo. Today we’re introducing a…
A VHS Instructional Video Showing What Reddit Was Like in the 1980s
Jo Luijten of Squirrel-Monkey has unearthed a VHS tape showing what reddit was like in the 1980s.
‘Game of Thrones’ Re-Edited to Make Joffrey Baratheon the Hero of the Series
BloodBlitz Comedy spent over 50 hours re-editing Game of Thrones to make Joffrey Baratheon the hero of the series. Previously BloodBlitz Comedy re-edited Harry Potter…
‘Screams’, A Supercut Tribute Wes Craven
ScreenCrush presents “Screams”, a supercut tribute to horror master Wes Craven, who we lost on Sunday. In tribute to the life and career of horror…
Baffled Lehigh University Professors Hilariously Attempt to Explain Millennial Slang Words
Baffled Lehigh University professors hilariously attempt to explain various Millennial slang words. via Huffington Post
How Not to Clean Expensive Camera Gear Using Running Water, Chlorine, Soap and Sand
Professional photographer Ryan Heywood shows you exactly how not to clean expensive camera gear using running water, chlorine, soap and sand. via PetaPixel
The ‘Back to the Future’ Trilogy in 1.21 Minutes
Burger Fiction has compressed the entire Back to the Future trilogy into a 1.21 minute edit. “1.21” is in reference to the 1.21 gigawatts of…