R2-D2’s Lesser Known Function as a Wine Chiller
Many may not be aware that the multi-talented R2-D2 can also function as an excellent wine chiller, as seen here in a chalk illustration by…

Dropping an 83.5 Pound Weight on Raw and Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Eggs
Carsandwater takes a look at what happens when an 83.5 pound weight is dropped on raw and liquid nitrogen cooled eggs.

A Horned Lizard Bravely Rides Into Battle on Top of a Robot and Starts Firing at the Enemy
The latest video upload by Kyoot Animals features a horned lizard (also known as a horned toad) that bravely rides into battle atop a robot…

Little Known Facts About ‘Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope’
Mr Sunday Movies runs down 50 little known facts about Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

A Bulldog Deals Poker Using Human Hands
A bulldog deals poker using human hands in the latest video uploaded by Kyoot Animals.

How a Pumpkin Can Carve Itself Using Dry Ice
Crazy Russian Hacker shows how a pumpkin can carve itself using dry ice. It’s a pretty neat effect.

Lizard All Curled Up and Sleeping Inside Rose Petals
Cmycherrytree shot a couple of incredible photos of a green anole lizard her daughter Angel found curled up and sleeping inside the petals of a…

Two Rats Fighting Over a Slice of Pizza on the Subway Tracks in New York City
I win today, interwebs. #subwayrat #teampizza #pizzarat #pizzaparty A video posted by Jonathen Liu (@jonathenlewd) on Oct 8, 2015 at 5:11pm PDT In what appears…

Secret Levels in Video Games
WatchMojo.com counts down their picks for the top 10 secret levels in video games. For this list we are counting down levels in video games…

Creepy Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial
Amazing makeup artist Promise Tamang shows how she transformed herself into a creepy scarecrow. Its such a simple Halloween look which only requires some makeup…