The Evolution of Computer Animated Human Faces in Movies
Zarbot takes a look at the evolution of computer animated human faces in movies. They feature the CGI creation of Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing)…
Incredible Space Cake Featuring a Beautiful Hidden Galaxy Inside That Is Revealed Once It is Sliced
A post shared by F A U Z I A ???? (@blackbirdbaker) on Feb 17, 2017 at 9:16pm PST Pedagiggle teamed up with her brother…
Marvel’s ‘Iron Fist’ Featurette Explores the Complicated Life of Superhero Danny Rand
Marvel and Netflix released an exciting new featurette and motion poster for the upcoming original series, Iron Fist, that explores the complicated life of trained…
La La Land Reimagined as a Dark, Bizarre Film Directed by David Lynch
For CineFix‘s ongoing Trailer Mix series, Jon Tomlinson and Dustin McLean joined forces to create a fake movie trailer that reimagines La La Land as…
A Look at How Industrial Light & Magic Digitally Recreated Grand Moff Tarkin for Rogue One
Industrial Light & Magic has released a fascinating behind the scenes look at how they digitally recreated the ruthless Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin…
Japanese Toy Photographer Captures Marvel and DC Superhero Action Figures Smashing Beer Cans
A post shared by hotkenobi (@hot.kenobi) on Feb 9, 2017 at 4:48am PST Japanese toy photographer Hot Kenobi has captured a fantastic series of photos…
A Father Sacrifices His Own Child to Survive in the Dark Comedy Animated Short ‘DADDYCOOL’
R2-D2’s Beeps and Boops Dubbed Over With Actual Words in Scenes From Star Wars: A New Hope
The Auralnauts have created a hilarious new video where they dubbed over all of R2-D2‘s beeps and boops with actual English words in scenes from…
Eddie and the Beast, A Weird Re-Edit of the Beauty and the Beast Trailer Featuring Eddie Murphy
Aldo Jones has created “Eddie and the Beast,” a hilarious and very weird re-edit of the final trailer for Disney‘s live action Beauty and the…
Supercut of Every Oscar Winner for ‘Best Picture’ Since 1927
Burger Fiction has created a supercut video of every Oscar winner in the “Best Picture” category since 1927. They cover everything from the 1927 silent…