Artist HOTTEA Installs Yarn Rainbow on New York City’s Williamsburg Bridge
Minneapolis-based street artist HOTTEA recently installed a festive yarn rainbow on a pedestrian walkway of the Williamsburg Bridge in New York City. via Hyperallergic, ANIMAL…

Cloud Paintings Made from Collected Raindrops
In the watercolor series “therainpaintings,” Brazilian artist Gustavo Sousa collects raindrops and uses them to make watercolors of the very clouds that created the rain…

Japanese Man Spends 11 Years Building Giant Beetle Robot
Back in 1997, Japanese machine shop owner Hitoshi Takahashi, then 50 years old, decided to build a giant beetle robot. For the next 11 years,…

Apartments Serve as Giant Camera Obscuras in the Stenop.es Project
Paris-based filmmakers Romain Alary and Antoine Levi turn apartments into giant camera obscuras (pinhole cameras) and create films of the images projected within the rooms…

The Incredibly Elaborate Women’s Hairstyles of Nigeria

How to Tap A Beer Keg with Detonating Cord
Richard Ryan of RatedRR shows us what happens when you tap a beer keg with the help of some detonating cord. He recorded the resulting…

A Drum Interpretation of Champion Auctioneer Ty Thompson
Musician Dan Weiss performs a drum interpretation of the incredible rapid-fire delivery of professional auctioneer Ty Thompson. Thompson is the 2009 winner of the World…

Mesmerizing Video of Water Moving Inside a Double Glazed Bus Window
In this oddly mesmerizing video by Andreas Roedl, water trapped between the panes of a double glazed bus window sloshes in curious ways as the…

Surreal Wooden Figure Sculptures by Willy Verginer
Italian artist Willy Verginer creates surreal wooden figure sculptures with bold sections of color and pattern, and curious juxtapositions of humans and nature. via iGNANT

The Science of Leeches
To demonstrate the feeding habits of leeches, Dr. Tim Cockerill of the Royal Institution allows one to feed on his arm for nearly three hours,…